I’ve really been enjoying my free time! Getting lots of other things done around the house. This morning we had a very successful rehearsal for our upcoming Imbolc Ritual. We will be honoring the return of light, the growing and continually rising cycle of the Sun, we will ignite the spark of our creative passions as we look to the future with hope and joy. Sparks, ignition, time to think about projects to come.
Time to get the lights off the trees and shrubs so I can start the winter pruning! So I poked my head outside to see how cold it was. Not too bad, in the 40’s, a lot of the snow has melted and the pathways are passable. No excuses available. I’ll start with the south berm trees and shrubs first, because the south berm has the least amount of snow on it. Two tubs of lights, and one tub for the electrical cords and timers, done. All the tubs are numbered and labeled and they go into storage in the opposite order that they will come out next year when we repeat this holiday light ritual all over again. It’ll take me the rest of next week to get all the lights down.

The fresh crisp air really uplifts my spirits, and all that slogging around in the snow has me peeling layers in fifteen minutes. There’s one little daffodil top poking out, everyone else is still asleep. The birds have wiped out the seed in the feeder again and the bird bath fell over. I can see the rabbits have munched the grape hyacinth and early species tulip tops completely down to the ground again this year. Bastards!
But the Mother always works towards balance. On the way back to the garage with the first full tub of lights – – – bunny parts on the path. Yea! Poor little dead bunny foo foo. Bwhaaaaaahahahahaha.