Water feature?

I’ve been designing elemental gardens at the edges of the main sacred space, between the Dragons.  I’ve been having trouble figuring out what to do for water.  What I want is a shallow fountain that will continually circulate water and mist it downward from a trellis-like support above.  I’m still trying to talk my husband into that idea.

I set up some temporary bird baths to bring water to the area instead.  Then I noticed that the city was cutting down a large dead cottonwood tree at the end of the block.  So I asked Jester (who’s time I paid for) and my fired Don to come over and help me get enough log segments out of the ditch under the tree to make a better display in the water feature.

Hauling the logs home

We dug holes to stand the logs in, according to the individual size of each log, added some gravel for drainage and tucked in the logs.

Don and Jester unloading the logs and setting them in the holes





cutting to size and cutting off the pockey parts




I filled a set of fancy matching pots that I have been  saving for the right project with spring bulbs, and then tucked them inside of some larger black plastic pots, adding mulch for insulation between the pots.

Stumps in the ground, pots filled with bulbs, waiting for spring.


The fancy pots will get dug out of the bigger pots and placed on top of the logs.  Their flowers reaching upwards and green vines hanging down mimicking water flow.  we’ll have to see what it looks like.

Spring bulbs coming up! (2016)

After the bulbs faded, I replaced them with annuals. (2016)







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