

White daisy
first year for the transplanted iris (white, pink and black)
turkish yellow poppy
Winter aconite. these were grouped around the base of the red dragon, but the bunnies dug under the dragon and threw the bulbs everywhere.
Tulip and orange daylilly on the berms. I have about 12 patches like this sprinkled all over the berms
Daffodils. there are 200 daffodils planted around the tree. I’ll be adding more this fall!
Iris at the edge of the noodle garden, with daffodils int he background
close up of the tulips and other spring bulbs in the noodle garden
the noodle garden. Mixed early bulbs in the front (tulips, grape hyacinth, purple glory of the snow and crocus). In the background around tree is a daffodil mix
Orange oriental poppy
Mother’s Wort and Cat mint, always first to pop up
Giant purple alium and dwarf stella de oro daylilly
Tulip mix

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