Celebrity Visit

My dear, and long time friend Panayoti Kelaidis and his partner Jan came over to tour the gardens this July.  Panayoti is the Senior curator and Director of Outreach at the Denver Botanical Gardens.  I’ve known him for 25 years, from way back in my Landmark Education days.  I did the Forum https://www.landmarkworldwide.com/ with his then wife, Gwen Moore, in 1993.  They were instrumental in guiding me through my early years of gardening at my house in Aurora.  Over the years Panayoti has brought me many botanical presents, all of which are growing in my Brighton garden, Wellyssa’s Womb.

Jan, Wellyssa, Panayoti, Brian

OMG!  I was soo nervous and desperate to impress!  But they both said they thoroughly enjoyed the garden, and being the good friend, and kind man that he is, Panayoti heaped praises on the garden.  The garden was very happy.

The Garden is looking beautiful

(sorry for the blurry pictures, I think I finally figured out which setting to use on my camera that isn’t too big for download, and won’t come out blurry for the future.)   I’m a gardener, not a photographer!  Hearing the voice of Dr. McCoy in the back of my mind . . .

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