I’m working my way through the garden design from east to west. The poor lonely, boring west berm is all out there by itself, just some Tam junipers and crab apples trees. Time to add some color, texture and layers.
(Another crappy, blurry 2010 picture!) Among the Tam junipers , some wild multi-colored yarrow blew in from across the street to the south. So I let it grow. It adds some nice color in the spring, and something interesting to look at in the winter. At the base of the berm I planted a row of Black-knight Spirea. then I tilled up and prepared the soil in front of the berm so I could put in some perennials. I planted a variety of fancy Iris (mail ordered from Breck’s bulbs), and purple salvia, cause it was on-sale and I want pinks, purples and whites on the west berm. I also planted a variety of winter hardy roses both on my side of the berm and on Roy’s side. They will be white and pink.
In the far background you can see the new Sycamore tree that we planted, I think 2 years ago? It’s finally starting to look like a tree. The two bookend boulders (see above pic) were purchased with the boulders that form an energetic boundary between our property and the neighbor to the north/west. They weigh 3 tons each.