Vegetables galore. First lesson in vege gardening: ruthlessness! You must thin the seedlings. I didn’t, I just couldn’t pull those little babies out of the ground after they did all that work sprouting and pushing up through the dirt. BIG mistake. I had vegetables on top of each other, carrots growing sideways underneath each other, I couldn’t keep up with the kale and arugula, and the beets took over twice as much space as I had given them as they just spread out when they needed to. It was such glorious chaos!

I just love all the different colors and textures of vegetable plants!
Who knew they would be so beautiful.

I planted tomatoes in buckets and spaced them around the outside edges of the main beds. They grow too tall and putting them in the main beds would mean I need a ladder to get to them. I also thought they look nice in the buckets as accents around the outer edge of the larger beds.

I grew the potatoes in round cages, made of chicken wire. I placed layers of soil, potato buds, straw, soil, potato buds, straw etc. and then watered well. The potatoes grew up through the top and out the sides of the cages. The best part was untying the cages and letting all the soil and straw fall out along with the potatoes. VERY easy to harvest. Then I just gathered up all the used soil and straw and added it to the compost pile.

These beets were harvested in November, found hiding under some arugula. I did say they spread out and took over! Of course, they were too big and woody to eat, but they were fun to share pics of.

Tons of carrots and greens.