I got a call from Chris, the Dad of one of my piano students. He said Kyle seems to be allergic to the shrubs in the front yard; he has a sneezing attack every time he gets near them. Would I like to have them? He said they were little mini Christmas trees. So I drove over with the truck and a shovel to take a look at the mini Christmas trees, and lo and behold, a nice little row of 10 dwarf-Alberta spruce trees, about 2′ high. Woa!

What a bonanza! These little babies are expensive at the nursery. I didn’t even know where I was going to plant them, I just knew they were coming home with me.
I dug the shovel into the ground and to my horror I heard the tell-tale sound of metal hitting rock. They had planted these little babies in 1/2″ gravel, and then added 1″ gravel on top as a mulch. O M G !

Taking a deep breath a started what I knew was going to be a grueling task, and it was! I managed to get 3 of them out in 3 hours, and had to call it a day. It took me the whole week to get these babies out of the gravel pit they were planted in, and re-planted in my back yard. But I got ’em! And they are beautiful and they were free!