
So I am gingerly stepping through the day lilly garden, pulling our the dead flower stalks.  This one is not quite ready to pull free from the bulb so I bend over and get a little closer and . . . .  OMG!  Sweet Jesus save me!  i come face to face with this beauty!

Look at the size of that spinneret!

She was only about 3″ from my nose.  I teetered on the back of my tennis shoes and backed up.

What in the hell kind of spider is that!?!  I hope it’s not poisonous.

I run inside and look it up on the computer:  it’s a St. Anthony’s Cross spider.  (“Cross” because they keep two legs close together so their legs form an x shape, or a cross.)  Non-poisonous.  Whew!  They eat lots of bugs and flies.  Yea!   But yikes, she is HUGE.

St. Anthony’s Cross spider

As I turn look slowly around me, trying to refocus my eyes into the thick tangle of lily leaves, I can see 2 more of these beauties.  I tip toe my way outta there and decide the dead flower stalks can stay up a little longer.  Besides, the spiders are using them to anchor their webs.  Wouldn’t be right to mess up all that hard work.

She’s about 3 1/2″ long. Her abdomen is as big as my thumb.

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