First official post! January 15, 2016 Friday

I wanted to start this Blog on November 1st, the Witches New Year. Actually, I did – I wrote a bunch of stuff, everyday, in my own computer, just to figure out if I had the stamina. But I couldn’t figure out how to do this blog thing, got roped into a $200 set-up fee, which I had to back out of and got to feel stupid about. So I finally had to hire someone to help me figure it out, and she is awesome and it was WAY inexpensive. So here is my first entry into Wellyssas’s Womb. (Yes, I do know things generally come out of wombs.) So you missed all of November and December, all of my yummy, self-aggrandizing posts of holiday lights, snow fall on this plant and that one . . . yawn. So I’m finally on-line, and hopefully it won’t be a complete bore and waste of time. We shall see.

So today is Friday, it’s been around 50 degrees for the past 2 days, so all the snow is beginning to melt. People are all excited about that, going on and on about summer. What are they yakking about?!? Really?. It’s barely winter.

Don’t put the coat away

The trees are still resting, the flowers and still sleeping and thickening their roots, the bulbs are sleeping too, except for maybe the early snow drops and crocus – they might be thinking about a little stretch, maybe. Has everyone forgot about what happened last year? We had -10 at the beginning of January and 75 at the end of the month. The trees pulled up their sap thinking the winter is over, it’s time to wake up, get ready to push out buds, and then blammy! -14 the next week. I lost 3 crab apples and 4 fruit trees, 2 apples, an Italian plum, and a baby peach. And my two dwarf cherries don’t look so good. Devastating. So yes! Let’s all pray for unnaturally warm weather so all the pretty trees can wake up and then get slaughtered when the temperature drops below freezing again, like it’s supposed to do. Woo hoo! No. Shut up. Get over it. It’s winter, and it needs to stay winter for a few more months.

Resting witch face

Why can we not enjoy some down time? Are we gardeners completely insane? Don’t you remember being flat on your back with every muscle aching from trying to keep up with the garden last summer when it was so unusually wet? It was like gardening in Florida. EVERYTHING grew, including the weeds. I’ve never had to weed as much as I did last year.

Fabio gets it.
Fabio gets it.

I still have tennis (er uh gardeners) elbow and the beetles on the vege garden – OMG – it was an invasion. So No. Let it snow, and keep on snowing for another couple of months. I’m not ready. It’s the dark time of the year.  Time to rest, regenerate, put our roots down, contemplate – but not too hard!  I’m enjoying looking outside and knowing that there’s absolutely nothing I can, or should be doing out there right now.