Yes, house paint DOES have something to do with a garden. If the house is ugly, it takes away from the beauty of the garden.
I have disliked the paint on my house since the day we moved in. It did not look anything like the paint sample we choose at the builder, and when I said that, they said it was too late, they would not repaint the house for us. So I’ve been waiting and hoping for the first paint job to fail so we could finally repaint in colors I liked.
We painted the bay window purple. The HOA had a fit, and we had to repaint it to match the house body color. Soo upsetting. I am continually amazed by how boring most people are. But the two tone paint with the sage green dividing trim really helps to break up the huge expanse of boringness on the south wall. The same is true of the North wall and fence.
You might have also noticed that we installed roof solar panels this year also. We refinanced the house to pay for them – really expensive. But we felt like we needed to do our part to save energy and reduce our resource usage, especially since this is such a big house. Our power bill is $19.19/month. That is all state and federal fees and taxes, no actual power usage.
The funnest part is that every month we get a statement from the solar company telling us how many trees we saved. Yea!
And YES! I’m tooting my own horn, cause it was quite an investment.