A little help

Trimming the rabbit brush and Russian Sage on the north berm

Wrangling the pampas grass

Cutting back the Maximilians at the edge of the patio
































South berm white sages, under control
Good job! Maximilians all trimmed down
South dry water bed – DONE
Squash beds All tidied up

I’m still trimming . . . .

Week of March 7th, 2016:  Trimmed all the tall grasses on the street side of the north berm, cut down the dead iris leaves and stalks (I found that it’s easier to cut iris with a pair of sharp scissors rather than the hand pruners), trimmed back the perennial wild aster, the marshmallows, shrub roses and hyssop, and oh yes – the north/west daylily bed.  That took all week, a few hours a day.  Can I just say:  “I’m over it!”

Trimming, Red Twig dogwood

More shrub trimming!  What?  You thought I was done?  You haven’t seen this yard.  I’m still working on the south berm.  I got all the red twig dogwood, on both sides of the berm, thinned out and removed all the dead wood.


Now when you look at the berm all you see is a blaze of red branches.  You can’t get more bang for your buck than red twig dogwood.  I bought them at Lowes probably 8 years ago in one gallon pots for $2.50 each.  Now they’re 5-6′ wide and 3-5′ tall.