The Stag God

The Stag God, God of fertility and protection.

2016-2018    My good friend Jackie Weller is selling her beloved home of over 30 years.  She has bought herself a more manageable townhome for her retirement.  Summer of 2016 she gifted me this magnificent horned/antler-shaped piece of wood which has stood guard on a stone at the front of her garden for a very long time.  It represents the energy of the sun, protection of the home front, and the energy of fertility and virility of the stag, as demonstrated by his tall, erect antlers.

I brought it home and placed it in the wheel barrow.  I took it to a spot in the garden where I thought it might look good, and where I thought it’s energies would be harmonious.  I left it there for a week, then I came back to ask the stag god if he liked this location – no.  OK, so I moved him again, and again, taking him to different locations around the garden to see where he wanted to be placed, to stand guard over the property, and to bring his energy of light and strength.  8 weeks later the decision was made.  The stag god will stand guard in the sacred fire circle, at the base of the south berm.

A Gold and Silver braided torq was attached to the antler. the torq was made my my dear friend and local artist, D Garrett. she gifted it to the Stag God during our Yule ritual. The Torq represents power and sovereignty.

As is the case with almost everything that gets built, installed, or created in this garden, a big celebration was necessary to properly honor the new stag god at his installation at the fire circle.  For our Yule 2016 celebration, we washed the antlers, cleansed them with incense and spruce oil; wrapped the wheel barrow in blankets and red velvet cloth and set the antlers into the wheelbarrow.  We then chanted and drummed as we paraded him to the fire circle.

The Stag God is often seen with his companion, a snake or serpent. the serpent represents the energy of transformation as it sheds it’s skin and is reborn anew.

He was installed atop a large segment of cottonwood tree, taken from a fallen and dried tree near my home.  The log is in the shape of the back of a stag and lent itself perfectly to creating the look of the stag.  Offerings were made and gifts given to adorn the new Stag God.  Ribbons with our blessings and prayers were tied to his antlers.

Stag God, summer 2017

Stag God at the south end of the fire circle, summer 2017
Stag God with Iris and newly installed Amanita muscaria mushrooms. (Made of concrete and painted). Spring 2018

The Stag God is honored and recognized at both the Summer and Winter Solstices.

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